


There are many reasons for the importance of counselling. As the world becomes busier and busier, the need for counselling increases. People are faced with many challenges in life, can be very isolated, need trauma counselling or just need support. Add to this list the need for addiction counselling, depression, mental and behavioral health and you have a myriad of reasons for the need of counselling.

Counselling may help those who are struggling in the world. They may help them to deal with personal issues such as loss of a job or a divorce. This can be a very stressful time for anyone. A counselor can help the person to get back on their feet and feel empowered and stronger than ever. Counselling may help the person to let go of the past and start over without feeling guilty.

The counsellor may help an addict or alcoholic to give up their drug of choice and their drinking in an effort to lead a normal life. They may help guide the person through the difficult transition of going from addict to functional person in society. Not all addicts or alcoholics are bad, many have had serious issues in getting to where they are at and just need a bit of encouragement and help to make it back up to the top.

Counsellors will focus on individual treatment as well as group therapy to help others in similar situations. The field of counseling offers up many of great opportunities to help others lead a healthy, happy, and normal life. There are positions from working with children in hospital settings to working in more public settings.