
Dr. Sandeep Bhardwaj
Dear Teachers, Parents and Students,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our Institute website.
As Einstein quoted
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”
Creation Institute is established and committed to restoring the ethics and values in education, awaken the creativity and make the students more expressed and joyful.
We believe that effective teachers:
●Create opportunities for intellectual risk-taking, collaboration, problem-solving, and application of classroom learning to real-life situations
●Implement strategies that promote ownership of learning to students;
●Design instruction to integrate a variety of innovative technological tools and resources to enhance learning;
●Demonstrate ongoing professional growth in order to increase the quality of instruction; Collaborate with colleagues to share and discuss exemplary practices, interpret student performance data, and design assessments that promote twenty-first-century skills.
We believe that successful students:
●Communicate in a meaningful way for a variety of purposes and audiences;
●Demonstrate a sensitivity to the precision and nuances of written, visual, and aural medium through comprehension, interpretation, and evaluation;
●Employ critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems;
●and pose questions, examine possibilities, and apply skills to find solutions to authentic issues. Make positive choices related to physical and mental wellness;
● Contribute to the local and global community in a collaborative and respectful manner.
Our distinctive academic programmes and innovative teaching methodologies encourage students to develop critical thinking and learn through enquiry and reason, to exchange thoughts and ideas, to develop key personal and social values, to take ownership for his/ her choices, and to set goals to realize their own unique potential.
We are continuously guided by developmentally appropriate principles in child development by the central Creation Institute team of academicians who develop newer scholastic and co-scholastic modules appropriate to the present generation.
The developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children provides all the areas of a child’s development; physical, social, emotional, and cognitive.
We value igniting the spark of creativity and curiosity in students.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Dr. Sandeep Bhardwaj.
Creation Institute.